Editorial design workshop

This project is the result of the editorial design workshop given bt Gema Navarro (Rifle). The goal was to create an editorial project based on an existent blog and its content.
But does it float, the one I chose, is an ongoing visual conversation between Folkert and Atley taking place inside a browser window. It is a remarkable web gallery of creative goodness in an overall surreal aesthetic.


The concept could be Pinterest inspired, in sens of what is shown in the index are many rows wit a few images as a link to the article as a big archive.

All images are aligned to an imaginary baseline, a skyline.

There is no title. Instead, they use the keywords related to the content in the article.


You will find some articles about cultural & artistic topics in the But Does it Float blog.
Texts are not always directly related with images and we can frecuently find a quote.
We can find the credits at the bottom of the article: Author of the images, author of the title (usually a quote) and who is the editor of the article.


The iconic blog index layout, based in an imaginary line, keeps the original look from the blog while maintaining continuity. The result is a skyline composition.

Archive tab

Because the blog was created as a visual archive, this characteristic will be the chosen concept used to build the whole layout and design plan.

A tab will show the reader the information needed to quickly understad what is the article about, who is the author of the images, who put everything together, etc. All the useful information will be given in the same area, making easier to look for the article data.


A button string tie closure and soft cover enhance the archives concept