Books I have & I LOVE (design related)
An Essay on Typography
Eric Gill, 1931
History of typographical art and production, and its state in the 1930s
Stylepedia: A Guide to Graphic Design Mannerisms, Quirks and Conceits
Steven Heller + Louise Fili, 2007
Today’s design landscape is eclectic and confusing – and “Stylepedia” is the first handy, cross-referenced desk guide to it.
Meggs’ History of Graphic Design
Philip B. Meggs + Alston W. Purvis, 2011
For everyone who works with or loves the world of graphic design, this landmark text will quickly become an invaluable guide that they will turn to again and again.
Just My Type: A Book About Fonts
Simon Garfield, 2011
Just My Type is not just a font book, but a book of stories.
The ABC of Custom Lettering: A Practical Guide to Drawing Letters
Ivan Castro, 2016
This practical and inspirational workbook features easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions for hand drawing a range of letterforms.
2100 Victorian Monograms
Karl Klimsch, 1995
Comprehensive compilation of elegant, imaginative two-letter monograms.
In Progress: See Inside a Lettering Artist’s Sketchbook and Process, from Pencil to Vector
Louise Fili + Jessica Hische, 2016
This show-all romp through design-world darling Jessica Hische’s sketchbook reveals the creative and technical process behind making award-winning hand lettering.
Brush Lettering: An Instructional Manual of Western Brush Lettering
Marilyn Reaves + Eliza Schulte, 1993
Marilyn Reaves and Eliza Schulte take you step by step through the techniques of brush lettering with the edged brush and pointed brush
El trazo : teoría de la escritura
Gerrit Noordzij, 2009
El trazo constituye la exposición más concisa y contundente realizada por Gerrit Noordzij acerca de su teoría sobre la escritura.
Veintidós consejos sobre tipografía
Enric Jardí, 2007
En una época de puritanismo tipográfico y de culto a las formas, esta lista de lo que te conviene y de lo que no te conviene rompe algunos prejuicios explicando la tipografía de una forma nueva.
Como Crear Tipografías: del Boceto a la Pantalla
Cristóbal Henestrosa + Laura Meseguer + José Scaglione, 2012
Cómo crear tipografías es una guía que responde a estas y a otras preguntas de una manera clara y directa, enfocada tanto a neófitos como a iniciados en el diseño tipográfico y la apasionante tarea de dibujar una fuente, desde el boceto a la pantalla.
Manual De Tipografia
José Luis Martín Montesinos + Montse Mas Hurtuna + Martin Montesin, 2012
Los principios fundamentales de la tipografía aplicados a las nuevas tecnologías.
Ornate Pictorial Calligraphy: Instructions and Over 150 Examples
E. A. Lupfer, 2003
Complete instructions and examples help you create your own magnificent swirls, delicately shaded curves, harmoniously crisscrossing lines, from which birds, rabbits, deer, ribbons, and other objects gracefully emerge.
Custom Lettering of 60s & 70s (& Custom Lettering of 40s & 50s)
Hughes Rian, 2010
Custom lettering gave designers’ imaginations full rein to develop individualistic solutions unconstrained by typographic practicalities.
Lust auf Lettering: Ein praxiserprobter Workshop in zehn Schritten
Martina Flor
This book concentrates on the process of drawing letter shapes by hand. However, the goal is not to make imperfect, quirky, handmade-looking type, but rather to create well-shaped, polished, exquisite digital lettering.
Manual de diseño editorial
Jorge del Buen Unna, 2014
Además de revisar estos conceptos, el autor pone al día los modelos de diseño editorial y los capítulos relacionados con la ortografía y la ortotipografía según las reformas del 2010.