Festival Internacional de Cinema Fantàstic de Catalunya
Hotel Meliá Sitges
Artistas participantes
- Gerard Freixes
- Chema García
- Olga de Castro
- Joaquín Reyes
- Sara Bea Delgado
- Littleangelfat
- Koldo Serra
- Mermelada de sesos
- Clara Soriano
- Shaun Elay
- M. A. Martín
- David Puste
- Rober Garay
- Borja Crespo
One of us!
This year, Sitges festival pays homage to ‘Freaks’, the cult film by Tod Browning, and to the figure of the freak in cinema and other disciplines.
The exhibition is a tribute to the strange and different with a selection of fantastic illustrations, starring eccentric beings.